May 2019


Strategy for component placement

  • May 17, 2019
Part 4 of 10 in the series PCB Design

The best PCB layout starts on the foundation of component placement. It is wise to not rush the process. Every extra iteration should add up niche a feature or remove a short-coming. Picking up a small detail and reducing the effort of routing by this creative process is the most challenging phase in PCB design life-cycle. But it’s totally worth it.


Selecting a PCB stack-up for EMC compliance

  • May 1, 2019
Part 3 of 10 in the series PCB Design

Good PCB stack-up is very effective in reducing differential and common mode emission from the board. Choosing a PCB stack-up in the design process is analogs to the foundation for a house. Hence selecting it carefully can save a lot of costs afterward occurring towards mitigation of EMI/EMC issue.