
Octave:3> File Operations

  • April 19, 2020
Part 10 of 11 in the series GNU Octave

Generally Matlab/Octave scripts work on processing section of data which are generated from some kind of experiment or other events e.g. image processing. It is not possible for a user to enter value of each pixel manually in a processing algorithm. It is needed to read the image file directly and import data into variable in workspace.


DIY two-channel 120W DC power supply

  • March 28, 2020
Part 1 of 1 in the series DIY Electronics

DC power is the basic need for any electronics project to start. Though batteries are good for small projects and also recommended due to the stable supply of current. But with increased power demand for more sophisticated projects batteries don’t seem a very good option to work with. A good bench supply or power adapter is handy and can be easily procured, but there is no match for custom-tailored design, specifically suited for the need. This is the story of a DIY two-channel 120W twelve volts fixed DC power supply.